Club members only may list their radio related items here. All others are welcome to participate in buying, trading and providing wanted items. Email listings and pictures to Chris Davis, KB7CX (see QRZ).
Updated March 14, 2025.
Antenna Tower (or ?) For Sale

This is the tower Roger Hansen (W7TOZ) had on the roof of his shop building. He has several antennas attached to a 10 foot triangular tower section mounted horizontally.
The bottom section spanned the peak of the roof. He had 2×6’s mounted to the legs with bolts passing through the roof to another set of 2×6’s on the inside. The bottom section stands 50 inches tall, it is 72 inches long including the 2 31×21 inch platforms. The top of this piece is 26 inches square, and has a hinge on it.
The top section attaches to the hinge on the bottom piece and bolts when in the upright position, these bolts can be removed to allow it to fold over to install/work on antennas. The top section is 26 inches square at the bottom and tapers up to 10 inches square at the top. This section is 13 feet 4 inches, making the total height approximately 17 feet 6 inches. There are 2 shelves built in to the top section, one at 36 inches and one at 84 inches. There is a hole and mount for a mast at the very top.
Proceeds for this go to RASC treasury.
Rich N7FDM
row999 (at)
2 Brand New QRP Kit Pacific Antenna Code Practice Oscillators

$20 ea. I built them from kits. The kits cost $12.50 each. They work fine.
2 New NightFire Morse code practice oscillators.
Brand new just built them from kits and made shatter proof Plexiglas cases from scratch. $40 each, CW key not included. Adjustable volume zero volume to “wow they are loud” at 1/2 volume would be good for classroom Morse code class instructor.
Contact Doug, KE7AV