Original post: June 13, 2020 | Meeting Minutes | Ric Merry
Meeting Called to order by John K7LVJ at 7:00 PM. 28 participants were in Zoom attendance.
Vice President: Bob Ramborger K7JNV
Secretary Report: Ric Merry, K7ITE. May minutes read and approved
Treasurer Report: Loren Wohlgemuth KD7ZPJ reported June starting and ending balance of $6627.20.
ARES/RACES: Phill KG7TFL was in attendance.
Website: Ric Merry showed the new web site changes.
President: John K7LVJ showed some of the preliminary logos we are reviewing. Spoke about coming events which included a Zoom meeting to discuss Field Day next Friday and changes to Field Day rules for 2020.
Wit Nx7Q has 12 people signed up for exams and has room for more, NX7Q@arrl.net
- Lynn Burlingame NC7FO gave a very nice presentation on Anderson Powerpole connectors. Possibles uses, tips, projects and suggestions. More can be seen on his web site https://www.n7cfo.com/amradio/projects/projects.htm
- Rick Gibbs WA7GZJ and Bob K7JNV demonstrated remote rig control using Zoom and remote control radio software CAT. They did live broadcasts of 75 meters and this system could be available for interested parties during field day.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00.
The next RASC meeting will be Friday July 10, 2020