April 9, 2021 Meeting

Original post: April 9, 2021 | Meeting Minutes | Ric Merry

The Zoom Meeting Called to order by John K7LVJ at 7:00 PM. 22 people were in attendance.


VICE PRESIDENT: Rob KG7HIZ- Not in attendance.

TREASURER REPORT: Bob K7JNV- The balance at the end of March was $7752.61. We currently have 46 paid members.

SECRETARY REPORT: Ric K7ITE read the March minutes which were read and approved.


Repeater report: Rich N7FDM gave an update on the cause behind the Lyman generator failures.

WEBSITE: Ric K7ITE- There are several new listings of equipment both for sale and free.

John Bellinger K7LVJ – I would like to step down as president so looking for someone to take over.

Presentation: “Special Event Communications” by Frank K7FNS.

The next RASC meeting will be Friday May 14, 2021

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