June 9, 2023

Original post: June 11, 2023 | Meeting Minutes | Minutes | Chris Davis

Officers present: Greg, Mike, Effie
Officers absent: Ric, Chris
Total number of members 21; no visitors
The meeting was opened by Mike. The meeting opened by introducing two new members. KK7MKL
May meeting minutes read

Field Day discussion “Riverfront Park”
tents ok for overnight

Jim KF7VOI to look into transporting MERV for onsite.

Call sign for Field Day chosen: W7ABF

Jim K7AMF bringing utility trailer and cooking. Providing hot dogs, hamburgers, buns, cutlery, plates, condiments, drinking water. He also intends to camp overnight in his R.V.

KK7ILR to bring large pot of beans

Roger K7NTW lead discussion of antennas/radios/generators to coordinate who will bring what with club members.

Effie W7EFE will coordinate porta-potty delivery

No food provided Friday
Food provided for lunch and dinner Saturday, and breakfast Sunday
Friday set-up @noon

Jim K7AMF suggested club members could bring yard games

Chris KB7CX to email club members with Field Day info and potluck food items sign up for Saturday. Need side dishes with NO mayo. Snack foods such as chips need to be individually packaged.

Greg KF6QEO presented on GMRS

Roger L7NTW to present in July on QSL Cards

Dan KK7ILR to present in August on ?

Fox hunt being coordinated for RASC vs. SARECC, club vs. club competition. Tentatively scheduled for August 26th. Dean KG6AKV and Chris KI7JOM coordinating.

Mike N6HXT presented the May treasurers report
Report was approved by club members

Greg KF6QEO shall assume the duties of Mike N6HXT in his absence if he needs to step away to care for his wife while she recovers from surgery. Per club bylaws Article lll section 2., no club vote is required.

Effie Sweeney W7EFE

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