Salmon Run 2024

Call: N7GDE
Station: K7LVJ

Class: Club M/2 LP
Operating Time (hrs): 20


BandCW ContactsPhone Contacts
160 meters
80 meters
40 meters94149
20 meters244134
15 meters176230
10 meters
6 meters

Total: CW-514 | Phone-513 | Mults = 104 | Total Score = 268,072

We had a fantastic time operating the Washing State QSO party this weekend at K7LVJ’s QTH. John K7LVJ and Gabriel WN7JT operated CW while Dan W7ILR and Chris KJ7FZF manned the phone station.

We had a total of 1027 contacts with 514 on CW and 513 on phone. We worked all 39 Washington counties, 49 states, 7 Canadian provinces and 11 DX stations.

Dan and Gabriel did the major share of the operating with Chris and me filling in. I want to congratulate these three novice contesters for a fantastic effort keeping the station on the air for 20 hours.

It has been a dream of mine to do something like this with the station and these guys really came through for me.

John K7LVJ

Information about the Salmon Run can be found HERE.

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