Guest Post

Original post: April 16, 2022 | Information | Guest post | Ric Merry

I’ve came across several interesting sources of information lately by attending various functions and meeting I thought the club may be interested in.

The club encourages submittals of articles and information from it’s members.
If you have something to contribute please email Chris Davis for posting.
-Ric K7iTE

Hams in my grid square map
Map sources to find your neighboring operators. You may be surprised.

On-air Net Scraper
“The On-Air Net Scraper retrieves and displays current (active) and past (prior) On-Air Net check-in information from It is used by Amateur Radio operators who do not have access to the NetLogger application but do have access to the internet from a smartphone or tablet device.”

FLDigi communications
The Mount Baker Club MBARC gathers on 2 causal FLDigi/FSQ nets each week. One simplex and one via the robust Mt. Constitution repeater.

• Sunday 09:00 – 10:00 Pacific on 145.580 simplex. Some participants are on the air as early as 08:30. Using simplex, it’s recommended to use highest power available for maximum interoperability with other FSQ users. Most participants are in the Bellingham / Ferndale area.
• Wednesday 20:00 – 21:00 Pacific on the MBARC-owned K7SKW / 146.740 repeater (input is -600 kHz – 146.140, subaudible tone is 103.5 Hz). K7SKW / 146.740 is located on Mt. Constitution (2350′) on Orcas Island and has excellent coverage including lower British Columbia, the San Juan Islands, Whatcom and Skagit counties, and some coverage South into Snohomish and King County. The repeater can be accessed even by low-powered stations such as portable radios.

See their page here and look under “Amateur Radio Data Communications”

FSQ notes. A good primer.

Comm Academy YouTube presentations
Includes 2022

If you’re interested in FLDigi it starts at time point 37:00. They’ll eventually break the video down into individual segments but for now it’s the whole day.

Western WA Repeater directory
Suitable for download/printing in PDF (see “human friendly PDF”) or exporting into Chirp. (see “Current data dump zip archive”). Updated daily.

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