Meeting Minutes for Virtual Meeting on May 8, 2020

Original post: May 9, 2020 Meeting Minutes Minutes Ric Merry

Meeting Minutes for Virtual Meeting on May 8, 2020

Meeting Called to order by John K7LVJ at 7:00 PM


Vice President: Bob K7JNV discussed the MicroHAMS’s podcast tomorrow.

Secretary Report: None

Treasurer Report:  Loren KD7ZPJ reported April starting balance of $6144.92 and an ending balance of $6627.20.

ARES/RACES:  Phill KG7TFL was not in attendance.

Repeater:  Mike Chaplin NC7Q was not in attendance.  John K7LVJ discussed the temporary fix to the repeater.  The new power supplies will be installed when the snow is gone.

Website: None

President: John K7LVJ discussed “Field Day 2020”.  Our alternate plan is each club member can operate from home in any way they like. We will have a club competition for the highest score in each category and the best portable setup.  We can also compare scores with Anacortes club.  After the event each member will send in their score to ARRL and to John K7LVJ for review.


Ric Merry K7ITE was appointed and approved by those present to be our secretary.

Rick Gibbs WA7GZJ was appointed to be our Director and he has excepted.

Greg KF6QEO asked for a calendar of local events be posted on the Web site.



John K7LVJ showed a YouTube video regarding Filed Day from home. Field Day. Logging software $9
Meeting adjourned at 7:40.
The next RASC meeting will be Friday June 12, 2020

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