February 12, 2021 Monthly Meeting

Original post: February 12, 2021 | Meeting Minutes, Training | Ric Merry

The Zoom Meeting Called to order by John K7LVJ at 7:00 PM. 30 people were in attendance including several visitors.


VICE PRESIDENT: Rob KG7HIZ- Nothing new to report.

TREASURER REPORT: Bob K7JNV- Beginning balance of $7,332.88.88. The PayPal account is operational and several members have renewed that way. Last year we had 55 paid members and now we are down to 38.

SECRETARY REPORT: Ric K7ITE read the January minutes which were read and approved.


Repeater report: Rich N7FDM. All is well

WEBSITE: Ric K7ITE- The new PayPal logo is on each page and I am working on a new ham page. Stay tuned for URL and I always welcome all ideas.

John Bellinger K7LVJ – I would like to step down as president so looking for someone to take over.

Chris KJ7FZF has stepped down as Treasurer and Bob K7JNV has stepped up to take his place.

I would like to take a vote to make Bob Ramborger official for the year 2021. Motion seconded and passed unanimously.

John K7LVV proposed we change the dues to a single $20.00 fee for 2021, and ear mark 25% of dues for the repeater fund. (A motion was made and seconded, the motion passed.)

We need to vote on the bylaw changes to reflect this motion.

Motion made, seconded and passed as to the following bylaw changes:


Annual dues for Full Membership shall be fifteen dollars ($15.00) twenty dollars $(20.00).and seven ten dollars ($10.00) dollars and fifty cents ($7.50) for each additional licensed family member. The suggested minimum annual repeater contribution is ten dollars ($10.00) for repeater use.   
Twenty five percent of the annual dues will be set aside for repeater use per Section 9 of the“
Repeater Addendum to the Constitution”. Members may choose to donate to the repeater fund in addition to their annual dues if desired
(Amended Jul 11, 2008, October 9, 2009 & February 12, 2010)

SECTION 9. Expenditures of funds for maintenance purposes may be authorized by the club President. Repeater and club general funds will be held as separate ledger accounts by the club Treasurer. Repeater funds may not be used for club purposes, and neither shall club funds be used for repeater purposes unless the members so vote.

“Introduction to FLDIGI” Bob Tykulsker KM6SO

The next RASC meeting will be Friday March 12, 2021

The recorded presentation from our meeting can be found here:

Passcode: Zz0!r1Jz

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